Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Things I've Learned

About 6 or 7 months into my first year of teaching I got a great idea.  (I'd like to think that I perhaps had many other great ideas in those months, but I can't be sure).  My great Idea, came to me a bit too late though.  It occurred to me how many things I had learned in my first year of teaching, and wouldn't it be nice to have a list of them all?

The problem is, by the time I decided how nice it would be to have such a list, there were so many items that should have been on it, that I couldn't possibly make it!

In the years since I am sure that I've learned many many new things.  As an educator, every day is a new learning opportunity.  In almost 20 years of teaching, that adds up to 3,600 learning opportunities.  On many of those days I'm sure I learned more that one thing.  What a list that would be!

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